
Your interactive curriculum

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WHAT'S CurriculAR

CurriculAR is an application that allows users to upload, view and show their curriculum vitae in a completely interactive way .

Once the candidate has uploaded his/her curriculum vitae to the online website together with a photograph and a video presentation, framing his/her image will be possible to visualise how this can come to life as a video.
Thanks to the Augmented Reality, indeed, a new possibility of using CV borns, in which the photo begins to come alive and speak, telling much more than a simple curriculum can do.

CurriculAR CurriculAR also enables you to choose different custom features, which can be adapted to your needs and available in the three versions of the app.
For example, you will always receive up-to-date statistics on the number of views, associate a CTA of the LinkedIn profile to the video, obtain specific information on the geographical location from which the CV was consulted.

How does it work?


First of all, you will have to register on the website, entering your data and your credentials.
You will finalise the operation in a moment and you can immediately log-in, entering your username and password.

CurriculAR Step 1

Upload the updated version of your CV , the photo and the video presentation you made.

CurriculAR Step 2

At this point, download the app on your smartphone and it's all done: frame the photo you've uploaded to see how, thanks to the use of high-performance features in Augmented Reality, you will generate your video.

CurriculAR Step 3


The Augmented Reality is based on the efficiency of multimedia representations of digital documents (such as video); this allows to change the way we approach reality.

Thanks to Augmented Reality your curriculum can be used in an interactive way and not simply read as a set of static information reported in black and white.
The AR, indeed, will create a whole new reality and will allow to improve the user’s perception, showing additional information attractively and effectively.

Choosing CurriculAR means choosing an experience from every point of view.

• It allows the candidate to tell himself/herself all-around, through his/her video presence and his/her voice, and to make an even more incisive presentation of himself/herself.
• During the acquiring information phase, the selector will have more means to evaluate the candidate, without being forced to limit himself/herself to text and static images.
The impact will be immediate: Augmented Reality gives the opportunity to virtually grasp the hand to his/her interlocutor and to present himself/herself talking about his/her strengths by putting his/her face.

CurriculAR is a new way to communicate experiences and attitudes, which acquire value thanks to Augmented Reality.

CurriculAR is now part of AR Studio

CurriculAR is now part of AR Studio, a SAAS (Software as a Service) that allows you to create and manage Augmented Reality content in a simple and fast way. Find out more about AR Studio and start creating your AR content!

Discover AR Studio


  • Do you want a “wow” effect in your curriculum?
    Use the first frame of the video as a photo of your profile.
    Open the app and activate the camera for an amazing Harry Potter effect! To learn more, look at our example with CurriculAR application.
  • What features should the video have to be uploaded?
    You can upload a short presentation message: 30-40 seconds are the perfect duration to present yourself at best (the recording can last at most 1 minute).
    Export and upload the video, previously created with the simple use of your smartphone, in mp4.
  • Can I change the video content?
    Yup! If you decide to change the content of your video, you can do so by signing the CV_Business package.
  • How can I display the data related to my CV?
    You can display all the data on your curriculum by purchasing the CV_Business package.
  • How can I see the video content I uploaded?
    You can review the recording of Augmented Reality video through the application you downloaded.
    Remember to insert the CurriculAR’s link and logo into your CV to allow companies to display your video presentation.
  • Can I change my tariff rate?
    Sure. The selection process can last more than a month and having useful information to better prepare can be an extraordinary sword.